teaching kids problem solving skills

mom and son

Six Steps to Problem Solving When I designed the Wyatt book series, eight years ago, my goal was to teach children to be better problem solvers. As a school counselor in an elementary school, I spent most of my time helping kids solve problems. I didn’t want to just tell them what to do, but…

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Why mindset matters

Mindset Matters What you think about makes a difference. Change begins within and moves outward. You become who you think are.Visualize yourself as confident and you eventually become confident. Visualize yourself as a failure…unfortunately you will become a failure, however you define failure. This is isn’t just wishful thinking. There is research to back it…

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Been doing it too long to change now?

Change and Growing Your Business Have you ever said,  “I’ve been doing it this way too long to change”? A couple of years ago I decided to learn to play pickle ball.  I attended my first lesson at a pickle ball free play court where a pickle ball instructor showed me the basics and encouraged…

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What is your calling?

woman with binoculars

Trying to figure out your calling? Do you feel like everyone else knows their calling, except you? Do you feel like you have been trying to figure it out for too long? Do you just want things to fall into place so you can move on? One of the things that I do in Dream…

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fear of failure or fear of success?

Are you afraid of failure… or success? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What if you deliberately chose to take a path in life where you knew there was a good chance you would fail? Would you steer clear of the challenge?  say bring it on?  start strong and then give…

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Stress Free Morning Routines for Kids

girl in bed

Stress Free Morning Routines Mom, where’s my lunch money? I can’t find my backpack! What happened to my homework?  If the dog didn’t eat it who did? Get in the car… Get.  in.  the.  CAR! Did the school bus just go by? It’s back to school here in Georgia. While Covid-19 has dramatically changed much…

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