Stress Free Morning Routines for Kids

girl in bed

Stress Free Morning Routines Mom, where’s my lunch money? I can’t find my backpack! What happened to my homework?  If the dog didn’t eat it who did? Get in the car… Get.  in.  the.  CAR! Did the school bus just go by? It’s back to school here in Georgia. Have you established a morning routine…

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night time productivity hacks

how to jump start your day Many times entrepreneurs think productivity hacks are just for starting and fast tracking your day.  But one of the key things you can do to set yourself up for success is finish your day well.  Here are some ways to finish strong: Create boundaries Determine an end time and…

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6 negative thinking patterns

And how to turn them around Are you second guessing yourself? Is there something that you should move forward on but… you are holding back on taking the necessary steps. waiting for perfection waiting to feel more confident and certain or just plain avoiding it because it feels so uncomfortable? But it’s still there isn’t? …

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Discipline… What works?

three generations

Teaching Rules or Values? Do you feel like you are constantly correcting children? Does it seem that you are redirecting and repeating behavior rules all the time? Guess what? You probably are.  In fact, research shows that from ages two to ten, children are urged by their parents to change their behavior once every six…

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Five Steps to Self-confidence

How to Develop Self Confidence Here’s a little quiz for you: When you think about taking the dream that you have and turning it into a reality:  Do you worry that you aren’t talented enough to pull it off? Do you wrestle with uncertainty? Are you afraid for no reason? You have a new job…

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Self discipline and the marshmallow test…

A cute kid eating marshmallow

How to help kids develop self discipline It’s a classic test of self-control and discipline;  The Marshmallow Test was designed by Walter Mischel in the late 1960’s, children were given a marshmallow and told they could either eat it now or wait for a period of time and get two marshmallows to eat.  The antics…

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