Is It Possible to Motivate Kids?

goal setting

Kids and Motivation In today’s educational environment, we are more aware than ever that student motivation and engagement is essential for lasting learning. I can’t tell you how many times as a school counselor, I had discussions with teachers, parents and kids about being motivated. However, I’m afraid we rarely discussed how important intrinsic motivation…

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Stressed out?

Need a Summer of Renewal NOW? As a trainer and coach, I work with a lot of educators.  In fact, having worked in the public school system for 20 years, I’m friends with a lot of educators and school counselors.  And here is what I bet most of them would say: Being an educator means…

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Should You Go Back to School?

confused woman

Considering Going Back to School? Here’s a little quiz for you: Answer True or False to the following questions: It’s a good idea to go back to school to earn another degree or certification if you want to change careers and go into a new field. It’s a good idea to go back to school…

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Use Brain Science to Change Behavior

two girls and ideas

Teach Lessons that Change Behavior Back in the day when I was teaching lessons to children regularly as a school counselor, I was always trying to determine the best way to engage children in the lesson as well as make sure that they could actually learn and remember it later.  Lucky for educators and parents…

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School Counselors: Need extra income?

woman thinking

Use Your Skills to Create Extra Income If recent economic events have taught us anything, it’s that we should all have more than one stream of income. When you have all of your eggs in one basket and that income stream dries up, you are in a difficult, maybe even desperate situation. A coach and…

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