Is it the right time?

At my recent Create Your Life Vision Board workshop  I asked the participants what inspired them to come. Here are some of the answers:

“This opportunity appeared just when lots of other things were coming together for me.  I just felt like it was the right time.”

“I’ve got a lot of ideas and I’m going in a lot of directions.  I need something that will help me focus my energy.”

“I’m overwhelmed and in a rut.  I need something to get me back on track.”

Sometimes things come along at just the right time.  It’s almost as though we ask the universe a question and voila– the answer appears.  Has that ever happened to you?

Of course we do have to be open to recognizing the opportunity and an important part of taking that first step is to set an intention.  The word intention  gets thrown around a lot so I decided to define it for the group.  Here’s the definition that I like:  intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future.  Notice the word commitment which indicates that an intention is more than just a good idea and that action is involved.  

Four fast facts about intention

  1.  You are beginning to fulfill and take action on your intention the minute you respond with a yes or a no.  Making a decision is the first step and begins the transformation in your life.
  2. Everything beings with intention.  I bet you have a success story that started with an intention.  In the group we heard stories of dedication to an intention to lose weight, be a body builder and race motorcycles.  It was a wonderfully diverse group!
  3. Getting clear on your intention is the most important step.  Intentions work best when they are specific and include a time frame.  Why do most of us never get clear?  We let our busy, distracted, reactionary lives take over.  It’s like going on vacation but never taking the time to figure out where you are going and how you are going to get there.
  4. You create your own reality through your intentions… or lack of them.  If you don’t plan your life, trust me, someone else will and one day you will wake up to find that you are living someone else’s dream.   

Five Dream Achievers Finding Focus


So what about you?  

Is it the right time to set an intention?  

Ready to live an intentional life instead of a reactionary one?  

Let’s create a vision for your life.

Grab your spot for a complementary call here:

Erin Shaw

Erin Shaw

Wow! Lynne’s expertise in personality styles, mindset and priority management is a powerful combination.  The interactive and personalized format was engaging and gave me tools I can use and actions I can take right away. I am able to more clearly articulate what my business is (What do you do?) and who it serves (Who is your ideal client?), and I have come away with a system for building my business (How do I do it?) Erin Shaw




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