Five Reasons Not to Hire a Coach
Why Hiring a Coach can Change Your Life
Do you have clarity on where you are going with your career or business?
Do you have a vision for one year from now… five years?
Are on track and making progress?
Are you in charge of your future or are you drifting along, just waiting to see what happens?
Could a coach help you get on track and keep you on track?
I find that creative, professional women are often the best at coming up with some of the most convincing reasons to not ask for help. We are experts at talking ourselves out of doing stuff and waiting for a better time. Here are some I’ve used myself:
Five Reasons Excuses Not to Hire a Coach
- I’m trained as a helping professional and I coach/counsel others all the time. I’ll just coach myself. This one is the most dangerous. I should know. I’ve used it for years. Just as you can’t counsel/coach your own family successfully, you can’t coach yourself. You fool yourself. You talk yourself out of things. You ignore the signs that are obvious to others. You get in a rut. I know mechanics work on their own cars and plumbers fix their own pipes but there are too many false paths that we can get lost on if we try to coach ourselves.
- It’s too expensive. Behind this excuse is the belief that we aren’t worth it. Investing in ourselves is a commitment that signifies that we are committed to following up and following through. When was the last time that you invested in your inner self and your future? While we’ll buy something that will change our outer appearance, ( a new Easter dress or hairdo that will soon be out of style), we question the value of paying for something that will continue to give value to our life forever. Where’s the logic in that?
- There are lots of free webinars and ebooks available that I can use instead. I’ll just read them and apply what I’ve learned first and then later, if I still need help, I’ll hire a coach. The trouble with this statement is that it is a half truth. There are hundreds of free resources available and it is a great idea to take advantage of them. The role of a coach though is to help you put the things you learned into practice. So a coach might help you narrow down the most effective ebooks to read and then personalize how the strategies you learned will work best for you. A coach is personal and specific to your situation while a webinar or book is not.
- I don’t have the time. This is actually a good reason to hire a coach. A coach will help you streamline your efforts. A coach will help you prioritize tasks and provide a sounding board for making decisions. A coach will guide you down a productive path and help you eliminate time-wasting activities. Bottom line though is that we all make time for the things that are most important to us.
- It’s too early (or too late) and I’m not ready yet. The fact is, we’re never ready. We could always be farther ahead. We could wait until we’re in a different season of life. Waiting though means that we are missing out on the opportunity to grow right where we are now. Later doesn’t really mean a better time. It just means a different time with different challenges. There will never be a perfect time so take imperfect action now, right where you are.
Want to stop the excuses and create the life that you dream of?
Ready to make create work you can love so you can do work that matters?
Email me to set up a free coaching clarity call: Dream Achiever Coaching changed my style at work with amazing results! Through the DISC personality profile, I was able to identify my strengths and clarify my focus on my job. Lynne had several concrete time management and productivity recommendations that helped me get control of my time. My confidence and productivity have improved tremendously! ~Liz Chadwick
This hit the nail in the head! I wish I had written this, it perfectly explains the problem we all face when we try DIY. It’s not that you can’t, it’s that it’s more difficult, more stressful, and less likely to happen alone. Thank you for reaffirming why I have a team of great coaches (and amazing advocates!) and why coaching is so important.
Thanks Celia for your comment. DIY coaching is difficult. It took me years to reach that conclusion too.