Are you living your biggest story?

Three Keys to Living Your Best Story

Are you living your life with enthusiasm?

 Are you living your biggest story?

Are you creating your own dance or just following the routine??

Here’s a preschooler who could teach us all a lesson about how to live with gusto!


What Are Your Excuses?

If only I had more confidence… If only I had more money.. If only I weren’t so young… If only I weren’t so old… Sound familiar? Of course, I know that none of us can engineer all the circumstances of our lives.  We don’t choose the families or the environment that we are born into. We certainly don’t have control over other’s choices. However, we can determine  our reaction to the circumstances of our lives.

Here are three life lessons that steer my course and that I believe will help you live your bigger life story too.

Live Life on Purpose

Are you letting life happen to you rather than making it happen? This has been the greatest lesson I’ve learned.  My early years were spent playing the waiting game and wondering if I’d be able to accomplish my dreams.  I reacted to  life rather than created my life.  I gave away my power to anyone and everyone. Instead of a list of goals, I had a wish list and no action plan to make those dreams come true. I was incredibly busy but without any clear direction.  Living intentionally has changed my focus and my life.

Look for the Opportunity in Everything

Whenever you face adversity do you look for the opportunity in the middle of it? Of course my life, like yours, has events and relationships that are discouraging and disappointing.  Sometimes I can make changes that improve the situation.  Sometimes I can’t.  But I can say that if I look hard enough there is always an opportunity in the midst of it all. Can you change your perspective? Have you learned something that you can share with someone else who is going through a similar concern. Can you turn your mess into a message?

Do Something New Everyday

We are all creatures of routine and habit.  Even our brain seeks the path of least resistance and familiar patterns. It takes real effort to move out of our comfort zone and take risks. Being open to learning from new experiences means being open to change.  This is true in simple things as well as in the bigger events in our lives.  Rather than sticking to the tried and true in order to avoid failure, instead look for a new path and new experiences.  Consider it  all research and development.

Want to read my whole story?  You can find it on Amazon:

The Call: Perfect Dream, Imperfect Life

Want some help to write your story and publish it?  I offer a coaching program designed for aspiring writers who are just getting started.  You can learn all about it here:  What’s Your Story?


The Self-Publishing Guide by Lynne Watts is a comprehensive tool for anyone who is considering the self-publishing world. Due to her experience as a self-published writer, she has created a system that addresses the whole process.  Highly recommend this Self-Publishing Guide.
Trish Greenlee,  author of Roxy the Roxstar




  1. Martha Orlando on December 29, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    I love your word for 2015, Lynne! Perfect!
    Love and blessings!

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