Helping Kids Set Goals that Work

goal setting

Helping kids learn to set goals can be a skill that serves them well in every area of life. However, it can also be a frustrating and discouraging experience for them! How can you help kids not only set goals but develop the patience and persistence to see them through to the end? Here are…

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Are you living your biggest story?

Three Keys to Living Your Best Story Are you living your life with enthusiasm?  Are you living your biggest story? Are you creating your own dance or just following the routine?? Here’s a preschooler who could teach us all a lesson about how to live with gusto!   What Are Your Excuses? If only I…

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The Secret to Success

The Secret Sauce for Success Why do some people achieve their goals while others, weeks, months, even years later, are still wishing and hoping for success? When I think about what separates successful entrepreneurs and clients from those who are unsuccessful it is usually one thing. But-it’s probably not what you think… It’s not experience. It’s…

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Goal setting, personality style and you

goal setting

How to make your personality style work in your favor Do you set goals then fight against them? Do you find that you work hard to meet other’s expectations but fail to live up to your own? Maybe you question whether setting goals is even useful or necessary at all… In her fascinating book, Better…

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One Word for 2021

good time

One Word can Inspire Your Family What do you dream of for you and your family in 2021? Do you have a vision for your family’s future? Do you have an idea of the values and the principles that are your family’s foundation? Wonder how to make that dream happen? Resolutions and setting goals are…

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One Word and Vision Boards

vision board

How to use vision boards to set and achieve goals For the last several years, I have chosen a word in January to give me focus for the year. Then using the word as a theme, I create a vision board to provide focus for the year. Mid year is always a good time to…

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