children and generosity

children and generosity

The upcoming holiday season is a great time to teach children about generosity and gratitude. Developing the trait of generosity is something that can be started early in small ways and then developed into bigger projects as the child grows.

Taking into consideration the personality of the family members involved (as in all family projects) is critical as well.  Some children are better at being the leader while others are less likely to take on a direct leadership role but are quite dedicated workers. Even young children can learn to give food, toys or clothing to those in need.

Giving the Gift of Service

The best and most life changing gift for children and adults however, is service that involves giving of more than our excess. It involves giving time in service.  Your family might spend a Saturday morning in a soup kitchen for the homeless, or volunteer in a nursing home to visit with residents who have no family. The gift of service can mean picking up litter in a park or helping out at an animal shelter.

Here are some ways to engage the different personality styles in service:

D personality: dominant, determined, decisive

Engage children in creating and planning the family project.  For instance, they could research various charities and suggest how the family could become involved.  This is a child who likes challenge and control so encourage them to solve problems and make decisions.

I personality:  inspiring, interactive, influential

This is a personality style that thrives on social interaction, new experiences and fun.  They could start a club or invite friends to join in a service project.  If they are involved in scouts or a church group, they may take the lead in involving others in service. They will thrive in an environment where they are working along side friends or family.

S personality:  stable, sweet, supportive

Children with the S personality style are caring supportive helpers who have great compassion for those in need.  Given some guidance to get started and find their niche, they can become dedicated to a cause and devoted workers. They lead by encouraging and supporting others.

C personality:  careful, conscientious, cautious

This personality style is very detail oriented and excellent at organizing a project.  They like to create a system or a process for making things happen. Put them in charge of keeping up with the gifts to purchase for a family in need and they will get the job done.

Service that moves each of us out of our comfort zone and challenges us to make a difference in the world develops children and ultimately adults, of compassion and character.

Wyatt Learns about Giving

It’s almost Christmas and Wyatt the Wonder Dog is wondering how long he will have to wait until the big day and what gifts he will get.  His mother however, has a more important question, “What will you give for Christmas?”  Join Wyatt as he learns a valuable lesson about how anyone can be generous and giving at Christmas and all through the year.

Wyatt the Wonder Dog: Learns About Giving

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