Connection with Kids

Two fathers play educational games with their children,

Connection with Kids In her book, The Good News about Bad Behavior, the author, Kathryn Lewis, identifies three steps that are taught in the Parent Encouragement Program. It will come as no surprise to counselors of all types that the first step is connection. Establishing rapport with a student is always the first necessary step…

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Are Kids Less Disciplined than Ever?

Young girls playing or working on a computer

Kids and Discipline If you have any connection to the educational system as I do, it’s not unusual to hear teachers complain that children today are much harder to teach than in years past. In fact, the job of the teacher has become so difficult that the average length of time that new teachers stay…

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Five Reasons to Smile

girl smiling

Need a free and effortless mood lifter? What if there was one simple thing that you could do repeatedly, that would life your mood and the mood of everyone around you, teachers and kids alike? And what if that one thing was so simple it took no extra energy or effort? What if it was…

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What if stress is good for you?

How embracing stress can result in growth Take a moment and think about a time in your life when you experienced a lot of personal growth.  Perhaps it was in your career or your personal life.  Maybe it was a time of spiritual growth. Got it? Now pause again and think about a time in…

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Stressed out?

Need a Summer of Renewal NOW? As a trainer and coach, I work with a lot of educators.  In fact, having worked in the public school system for 20 years, I’m friends with a lot of educators and school counselors.  And here is what I bet most of them would say: Being an educator means…

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