Creating Calm: Relaxation Tactics and Activities

boy meditating

It really wasn’t that many years ago when people would ask me, “What problems could elementary age children possibly have that necessitates a full time counselor in an elementary school?” Fast forward to the environment of today, and we are all too familiar with the many mental health issues that children face. As elementary school…

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How to help children cope with stress

Pensive child

Positive ways to handle stress Moving to a new neighborhood. Making new friends. Starting a new class or moving to the next grade level. Starting back to school after a pandemic. A new brother or sister is born, parents separate and divorce, an older sibling goes away to college. Children, like adults thrive on the…

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How To Do Mental Health Check-ins with Students

mom and son

Concern for the mental health of elementary age students has been growing due to changes in our culture and the overall stress level in our society. Post-COVID, there has been a significant uptick in reported mental health concerns. The disruptions caused by the pandemic, including remote learning, social isolation, and uncertainty, have impacted the emotional…

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Creating Calm: Relaxation Strategies

boy meditating

It really wasn’t that many years ago when people would ask me, “What problems could elementary age children possibly have that necessitates a full time counselor in an elementary school?” Fast forward to the environment of today, and we are all too familiar with the many mental health issues that children face. As elementary school…

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School Counselors and “Extra Duties”

tired teacher

Recess Duty Lunch Duty Specials Rotation Classes Testing Coordinator It goes on and on. Everyone in a school must pull together to make it work, so teamwork counts, but what do you do when you feel that all the extra duties are creating a serious problem in meeting the goals of the actual job description…

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