5 Steps to Change Negative Feelings

unhappy boy

All of our emotions are feelings in our body that we create based on our thoughts.  This is true of positive and negative feelings. Sometimes these thoughts are so ingrained that they are practically unconscious.  Sometimes they are either so common in society or in our minds that we accept them without question as the…

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What to Do About a Student with Angry Outbursts

Angry upset boy,

Angry Outbursts: Prevention and Coping Skills On a School Counselor Facebook page, a school counselor asks for help with a 5th grader who regularly has angry outbursts over such things as forgetting his work at home or his Chromebook is missing from the class. During sessions focused on helping him calm down, he’s still very…

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Where Negative Thoughts Come From and How to Change Them

stressed kid

Negative thoughts… we’ve all got them. But where do they come from? Kids and adults alike probably think that negative thoughts just happen but in actuality there are four places that they may come from. We fail at something or make a mistake: Instead of seeing failure as a necessary part of success, instead we…

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Doubtbusters: Changing Your Mindset

How to change how you feel about yourself I’m not good enough… If they really knew me… Everyone else does it better… I’m not worthy… We all have it.  The fear of being seen.  Not a fear of being seen in our latest contrived photo-shopped selfie on Facebook.  Not a fear of being seen in…

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Teaching kids to manage negative feelings


Kids and Self Talk A typical classroom lesson on recognizing feelings is useful and gives kids a common language for expressing their feelings.  However, it is a basic lesson and doesn’t really cover all the bases in helping kids manage feelings, especially negative ones.   What can we teach the child who needs anger management strategies or…

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Doubt Busters for kids

frustrated girl

Doubt busters for kids I can’t I’m a loser Everyone else does it better I’m afraid I might fail I’m afraid I might succeed Do you know a kid who is riddled with doubt?  Do you find that no matter how much you praise him, he still lacks self-confidence?  Is it frustrating to see her…

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