Decision Making in Seven Steps

Decision Making 101 Are you in the middle of making an important decision? Maybe it was brought on by the pandemic and now you need to decide: Whether to add a new product or change an old one Whether to go in a new direction Whether to close a business or open a new one…

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4 reasons you might need a coach

4 sticky notes on whiteboard

Reasons you need a coach I hear a lot of excuses for not hiring a coach.  Here are four that I heard just this week: My business isn’t making enough money to justify hiring a coach.  I’ll look into it when I am making more money. My life is out of control and I need someone…

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What if you were Curious?

Are You Curious? The first post that I wrote when I started this blog was Top Ten Ways to Not to Follow Your Passion.  It was written a bit tongue in cheek of course because we all want to follow our passion, right?  Isn’t it just the obstacles, real or imagined that keep us from…

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Is it the right time to make a career change?

woman unsure

The Right Time to Make a Career Change? Are you thinking about making a career change? Do you wonder if now is the time? I’ve written before about creating an exit plan and turning your day job in to a dream job. Maybe right now your job or career has come to a screeching halt…

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Are you waiting to be who you were before Covid-19?

What if you stop waiting to be who you were? Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time talking with individual clients, educators and businesses about what to do while we wait. As time moves slowly through the Covid-19 crisis there has certainly been a range of emotions on everyone’s part. For some it is a…

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Who encourages you?

Who  Encourages You When You Leave Your Comfort Zone? You are venturing out into unknown territory. And yes, you are way out of your comfort zone. It’s a new stage in your life; as a newly wed, your first real job, as a new parent, transitioning to retirement, as an empty nester. You are full of…

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