Three Questions to Simplify Your Life

Creating Focus Counts Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end, because once you get there, you can move mountains.  Steve Jobs What if you had one minute to describe your business? What if you had…

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Ten Ways to Make the Most of a Conference

Do you come prepared to learn… or to be entertained? Do you go to workshops, conferences and seminars? Are they beneficial or just a waste of time and money? Every year I attend and speak at conferences. Conferences and seminars are great ways to expand your knowledge as well as your network. Each conference provides…

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Overcome the Fear Factor: Networking for Introverts

Three Skills Introverts Can Develop Nothing strikes more fear into the heart of an introvert than the advice: Go forth and network to grow your business, get a job or just be successful in whatever endeavor you are attempting. I should know. I’m an introvert. Why Introverts are Naturals at Networking As introverts, we think that…

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Top Ten Ways to Travel Smarter

People don’t take trips.  Trips take people.  ~John Steinbeck I love to travel.  Every year I attend a lot of seminars and retreats.  I speak at a lot of conferences.  I’ve taken groups of high school students to Europe and back (didn’t even lose any)! Most of my travel involves business but sometimes I travel…

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  If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.   ~David Campbell Does this quote sound like you? Do you know where you are going? Do you feel like you are always busy but never get anything done? Do you have lots of lists but nothing to show for…

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What Are You Afraid of?

Is fear getting in your way? A few years ago I consulted with Trish, an aspiring author. We originally met at an author event where she asked the question, “How would you go about getting a children’s book published?  I’ve written a story and I’m not sure what to do next.”  I worked with her for…

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