Are you a leader? One question to ask.
Leadership and You Lately I’ve been doing a lot of leadership training at schools and conferences. What qualities do you think of when you think of great leaders? Integrity? Grit? Determination? Passion? Purpose? While these are all qualities that we may aspire to, John Quincy Adams penned a powerful leadership quote that can encompass all these…
Read MoreThe growth mindset and success
Growth Mindset is the Key to Success Which statement describes what you believe:? You can learn new things but you really can’t change your IQ very much. Your IQ is something that is just part of your DNA. You can not only learn new things but substantially change how intelligent you are. In her book…
Read MoreSeven Secrets to Effective Teacher-Parent Communication
In a previous post, I identified ten ways that educators could establish effective communication with parents. Communication however, is a two way street. Parents also have a responsibility and an opportunity to establish a relationship with their child’s teacher. Here are seven ways for parents to create open communication while empowering your child to be…
Read MoreTeaching the Perfectionist
Personality Style and Perfectionism Is there a student in your class who is an over the top perfectionist? Does everything have to be just so? Do they fall apart when there is the slightest mistake? This is a student who may fall into the C personality style. According to the DISC personality program, there are…
Read MoreTeaching the High Energy Child
The High Energy Student Is there a student in your class who is the energizer bunny? Always moving… always talking? Is your student a bundle of energy and curiosity, moving from one activity to another but never completing anything? Does your child love interaction and being in the center of attention? Then you are probably…
Read More4 Ways to Help Kids Develop GRIT
Helping Kids Develop GRIT Has helping children develop GRIT become a goal where we have focused too intently on the end result without spending enough time on the process? In Brene Brown’s book, Rising Strong she has many insightful recommendations for living a whole-hearted life of courage, compassion and connection. However, she makes a statement…
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