Teach girls bravery not perfection

girl with ice skates

  Girls Need to Learn to be Brave Reshma Saujani is a woman with a mission.  She is on a campaign to change the way that we socialize young girls. Her premise is this: girls are taught to be perfect, while boys are taught to be brave.   How does this happen?  In her effort…

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Are you a leader? One question to ask.

kids together

Leadership and You Lately I’ve been doing a lot of leadership training at schools and conferences.  What qualities do you think of  when you think of great leaders? Integrity? Grit? Determination? Passion? Purpose? While these are all qualities that we may aspire to, John Quincy Adams penned a powerful leadership quote that can encompass all these…

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Broken Business Models

broken piggy bank

I talk with a lot of service based business owners with broken business models.  Here are common themes: stressed out can’t  find time for themselves overworked with too much too do can’t find the clients they want working in lots of directions but getting no results. Do you see yourself in that picture? Many of…

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What makes a great school counselor?

counselor with student

Characteristics of a Great Counselor I was recently at a luncheon talking with some elementary school principals about school counselors and an evaluation method they are required to complete yearly on school counselors.  The instrument was so complex that they had to attend special training  to learn to use it properly. The evaluation emphasized collecting data in order to  prove the impact…

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Are you good enough?

Worried you aren’t good enough? You’ve finally identified your passion, your talent, your skill… You know how you want to serve others But… What if you aren’t good enough? What if you don’t know everything you need to know? What if you need more training, degrees, certifications or experience? I often hear this concern from clients…

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What if failure is really a gift?

frustrated girl

A student in PE is playing a game and misses the ball. She stomps off the field, tears in her eyes. While doing an assignment, a student can’t figure out the answer to a math problem. He crumples up his entire paper in frustration and slams the book closed.  Not a chance of re-directing or…

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