Helping children overcome fear

Excited little asian boy

Three things we can teach kids about fear The child in my office was in tears.  Here was her story:  She was selected to give the pledge to the flag on the morning news station at school. This is a great honor and she was excited until the morning of the show, when  she suddenly…

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Anxiety, 3 Things Not to Say or Do


Anxiety, 3 Things Not to Say or Do Before Covid-19, anxiety was on the rise, however, the pandemic has made for a significant increase. Currently, one in four children suffer from anxiety disorder. Of course, fear and worry have always been a normal part of childhood. It is a rare child that doesn’t at some…

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Kids and anxiety

boy doing homework

Kids and Anxiety I was recently talking with a teenager that I volunteer with at Mostly Mutts, a local shelter for dogs.  In the course of our conversation, she told me that she is home schooled because she “has anxiety.”  What does it mean when we think and talk about anxiety this way? When we…

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