Where is the story in your business?

A couple of years ago, I was consulting with a business owner recently who has a gift for seeing the story, the message in everything that his business does.  You might find that hard to believe if you knew his business.  He cleans. You know, offices, homes, dorms, new construction.  Bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, toilets. Where’s…

mad boy

Kids and anger

Kids and Anger Challenges Do you have a student who has a low frustration tolerance?  Even the slightest thing sets him off? Do you have a child that loses control and throws temper tantrums?  Are you walking on eggshells trying to keep her on an even keel? What can you do to teach more emotional…

Teach Kids Teamwork

Teach Kids Teamwork One of the key characteristics that employers look for today is the ability to work with a team. It is also a quality that will enhance family and classroom dynamics. Sometimes we think that it is something that a child is just born with, but in actuality we can teach skills that…

Are you a giver or a taker?

Are you a giver or a taker? According to the Carnegie Institute, 85% of your success is determined by your people skills and only 15% by your technical skills. In his book, Give and Take, Adam Grant drills down even farther. He maintains that to be successful, you must be a giver. You might be…

student with a smiley face note

Help Kids Set Goals that Motivate

Help Kids Set Goals that Motivate Do you sometimes wish that you could swap your personality for another? Do you wish you could swap a child’s personality for another, at least long enough to get them to finish their homework or do their chores? If you are reserved, do you wish that you could be…

Do you need some help?

Do you need some help? It’s one of the hardest things that we do For some of us, it is seen as a sign of weakness We try to avoid it at all costs We keep up a façade of competence just so we don’t have to do it… Even when we recognize it as…

frustrated girl

Doubt Busters for kids

Doubt busters for kids I can’t I’m a loser Everyone else does it better I’m afraid I might fail I’m afraid I might succeed Do you know a kid who is riddled with doubt?  Do you find that no matter how much you praise him, he still lacks self-confidence?  Is it frustrating to see her…

happy woman

6 steps to happiness

Six Steps to Happiness There are plenty of reasons to be unhappy… Covid- 19-duh! You hate your job but don’t see any better options. You lost your job because of Covid-19 You are sick and the treatment isn’t working. You are having problems in your relationship; with your partner, with your kids, with friends.  Seriously, I…

Stages of Development for Preschool Boys and Girls

Stages of Development for Boys and Girls As parents and educators, we all know that boys and girls show up differently in life. In a recent video series  Sissy Goff, M.Ed., LPC-MHSP and David Thomas, L.M.S.W. from Daystar Counseling Ministries, identify the brain research which results in behavioral differences and offer recommendations for how to…

What People Say About The Wyatt Books

kind words from educators, parents, and kids!

"Going to kindergarten is a milestone for everyone and the beginning of the year is usually filled with excitement and angst.  Wyatt the Wonder Dog addresses the typical concerns that most children have in a sweet and relatable way.  Kindergarten really is fun!"

— Laura Uszenski
Kindergarten Teacher

"Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Teamwork is another great example of helping kids improve their social skills.  It teaches kids the power of working together and how much better we are when we work as a community"

—Melissa Toren Hrin, Professional School Counselor
Beverly Cleary School, Portland, OR

"[Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Mindset] This book is funny!  It's dogs doing things that only people do!  I learned to try new things."

— Samuel Traub
Age 6

Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Giving is a delightful book that teaches kids (and reminds adults, as well) that generosity is possible no matter how old, young, rich or poor we are.  This is a powerful message and an engaging story that every child will love. 

~Jen McDonough, author of Living Beyond Rich

Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Friendship teaches not only friendship and making connections, but also how to become successful at problem solving. Great for school counselors, teachers and families.  Bravo! 

Sharissa Shatten~ School Counselor

Feeling left out? Need help getting along with friends? Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Cooperation weaves important life skills into engaging story telling. Join Wyatt as he learns how to be the superhero in his group of friends by using cooperation and compromise.

~MaryFrances Gonzalez MACCCSLP

Have you ever had a friend that did some things that you disagreed with? Wyatt does and he doesn't know what to do about it. Join Wyatt as he learns that being honest with his friend is the best and only way to solve the problem. A great story!

~Lynn Hughes M.Ed. school counselor

If you've ever lost your lunch money or misplaced your favorite toy, you can relate to Wyatt the Wonder Dog.  This adorable story offers simple, helpful ideas that kids and parents can use to make life less stressful and more fun!

~Erin K. Casey, author