Posts by Lynne Watts
3 steps to helping kids develop self-discipline
Kids and Self-discipline Will power, self-discipline and productive habits are always the buzz words for the Olympics. Ask any Olympic gold medal winner to what they attribute their success and I guarantee these words will come up over and over. No one is going to say they won the gold by having a lackadaisical attitude,…
Read MorePersonality Style and Motivation
Wondering how to motivate different personalities? It’s a new school year and you have spent hours setting up your classroom, attending meetings on the latest and greatest technology and getting your lesson plans in order. You are ready for the kiddos to arrive with parents in tow so you can orient everyone to your system…
Read MoreDo your kids push your buttons?
Do your kids know how to create drama? Does it seem like your kids just naturally know how to push you buttons? Do they know that nothing makes you more crazy than… waiting until the last minute to do a project, leaving toys out where you trip over them begging you for candy while you are…
Read MoreWyatt the Wonder Dog School Counselor Resource
Creating a growth mindset in kids
Kids and Growth Mindset One thing that parents and educators can agree on is that we all want the best for children. We want them to learn skills that will serve them well in the future. Developing a growth mindset is a key component. When we focus on motivation and cajole, threaten or even bribe…
Read MoreTeaching a child persistence
Children and Persistence Here’s a pop quiz for you: Your child begs you to take piano lessons. You aren’t so sure it’s worth the time and commitment. After all, no one in your family has an ounce of musical ability and it’s a big expense. She is persistent though so you decide to give it a…
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