
Need some Encouragement?

When you feel overwhelmed, overworked and over-it, who do you turn to?

When you feel you have failed yet again, who do you turn to?

When you think your dreams will never materialize, who do you turn to?

Is there an extreme encourager in your life?

Extreme encouragers offer empathy and experience while living it out in their own lives.  They model for you where you can go and who you can be. Encouragers may be a teacher or a guide but they are open to you finding your own way in your own time.  They don’t tell you what to do but rather  listen and walk along side you while you follow your path to discovery. They put aside their own agenda and judgment so they can honor the wisdom that you have within.  They see the light within and reflect it back to you.

Extreme encouragers don’t pat you on the back and talk in clichés because they know life isn’t easy like that. They don’t say, “Buck up, tomorrow’s another day.” Or my favorite… “When one door closes another always opens.” It’s not that the cliches aren’t true. But is it what you  need to hear? Does it move you forward or reassure you at all?

Instead they acknowledge your fear, your uncertainty, your disappointment and your doubt but they don’t give it power over you and your future.  They recognize your inner purpose and drive to work through and around and within those feelings. Extreme encouragers believe in miracles are an everyday occurrence.  They don’t wear rose colored glasses, they just have a different focus and perspective. Because of that belief, they hold the space in the future for you and your goals. They see opportunity in failure.  They see the impossible as possible and know that dreams really do come true.  They trust in you and that trust is contagious.  Why? Because it leads you to believe in yourself.

Extreme encouragers get you off your butt.  They know that statements like:

“But I’m afraid.”

“But I don’t have time.”

“But I don’t have the resources.” …are all excuses that can be solved.  They aren’t reasons to give up. 

Extreme encouragers get you out of the land of maybe someday.  They get you out of the waiting room of life:

Waiting for rescue

Waiting for perfection

Waiting for certainty

Waiting for discovery

They get you in the land of decision making, living intentionally and taking action. While we stand on the edge of the cliff, gazing off into the future of our dreams, extreme encouragers push us to take that leap and discover our wings.

We all need an extreme encourager in our lives.  Who fills that role for you?

Want help in gaining clarity and moving forward?  Need a plan?  Let’s talk:  Complimentary Coaching Clarity Call

I would highly recommend Lynne as a Life Coach for two reasons, especially if you are highly motivated. The first is because Lynne has actually lived what she is teaching you!! She is a product of her own approach to living your dream–and that’s what she so wants to help you do. The second is that she is so affirming and encouraging, she believes in you–so why not believe in yourself? Diane Calhoun



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