Begin School with Intention-Plan for Reflection


How Intention and Reflection Determine Learning What was the most memorable and significant year of school for you? The first year you attended school? The year you starred in the class play? The year you won an award? The year you graduated? Research has shown that an important part of learning in any environment is reflecting on our…

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The growth mindset and success

boy scientist

Growth Mindset is the Key to Success Which statement describes what you believe:? You can learn new things but you really can’t change your IQ very much.  Your IQ is something that is just part of your DNA. You can not only learn new things but substantially change how intelligent you are. In her book…

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What if failure is really a gift?

frustrated girl

A student in PE is playing a game and misses the ball. She stomps off the field, tears in her eyes. While doing an assignment, a student can’t figure out the answer to a math problem. He crumples up his entire paper in frustration and slams the book closed.  Not a chance of re-directing or…

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3 steps to helping kids develop self-discipline


Kids and Self-discipline Will power, self-discipline and productive habits are always the buzz words for the Olympics. Ask any Olympic gold medal winner to what they attribute their success and I guarantee these words will come up over and over.  No one is going to say they won the gold by having a lackadaisical attitude,…

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Personality Style and Motivation


Wondering how to motivate different personalities? It’s a new school year and you have spent hours setting up your classroom, attending meetings on the latest and  greatest technology and getting your lesson plans in order. You are ready for the kiddos to arrive with parents in tow so you can orient everyone to your system…

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Do your kids push your buttons?

girls and time reminder

Do your kids know how to create drama? Does it seem like your kids just naturally know how to push you buttons? Do they know that nothing makes you more crazy than… waiting until the last minute to do a project, leaving toys out where you trip over them begging you for candy while you are…

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