Are you living your biggest story?

Three Keys to Living Your Best Story Are you living your life with enthusiasm?  Are you living your biggest story? Are you creating your own dance or just following the routine?? Here’s a preschooler who could teach us all a lesson about how to live with gusto!   What Are Your Excuses? If only I…

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2 Success Rituals

Morning Success Rituals Can Change Your Life Do you have trouble getting yourself motivated to work on your business? Are physical problems sapping your energy? Do you feel like you work all the time but can’t get traction on attaining your goals? I recently had a client who was in an energy slump.  She had…

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  If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.   ~David Campbell Does this quote sound like you? Do you know where you are going? Do you feel like you are always busy but never get anything done? Do you have lots of lists but nothing to show for…

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Seize the Opportunity

What are you waiting for? I’ve spent a good deal of my life waiting. In fact, I could say that I’m seriously an expert at it. I know and have used all the excuses: waiting for the right time, waiting to be sure, waiting until everything is perfectly aligned, waiting for the right person or…

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