7 Things Entrepreneurs Will Understand

What have you learned as an entrepreneur? Traveling in the business world as an entrepreneur can be scary, rewarding and exciting at the same time. Ever since leaving my twenty year career as a school counselor and stepping boldly (and timidly at the same time) into the world of  business, I have learned and grown…

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Do you know your calling?

Your Mission Matters Do you know your calling or purpose with clarity and focus? Could you state it in one succinct sentence? Or is it foggy and unclear?  Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown was a genius at bringing big concepts down to everyday life. In one comic strip, Lucy says to Charlie, “You know,…

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3 Big Fears and Playing Small

Three Big Fears can cause you to play small I met Marci at a writer’s group.   She retired from her career as an educator and had spent the last year or more following a dream that she had nurtured her whole life; writing a novel. The manuscript was complete and she was looking for someone to publish…

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