3 Ways to Help Kids Make Friends

kids on playground

Not having a friend can be hard… What if it’s the first day of school and you are the new kid in the class? What if you return to school after a summer off,  only to find that your best friend  has made a whole new set of friends and you aren’t in the circle…

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Getting Kids to Take Initiative

Working together at elementary school.

Kids and Initiative I often hear teachers lament that the students today have little intrinsic motivation and initiative. Certainly as a school counselor, I  often presented lessons on being responsible. When asked what it means to be responsible, children usually have a good idea.  When asked what responsibilities they have, I would get a variety of…

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Burned out?

teacher burnout

Four Ways to Overcome Burnout At my age, I talk to a lot of retired teachers as well as many educators who are counting the years until they can retire. While I do know teachers who absolutely love their work, there are a large number who are dissatisfied. In fact, about 50% of new teachers…

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Who do you want to be? .

superhero boy and girl

Helping children find their voice Helping children find their voice and determine who they are at their core has been a task for all generations.  Over the years we have certainly approached it in many different ways. There have been generations that  focused less on who you wanted to be as an adult and more…

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