Seven Secrets to Effective Teacher-Parent Communication

teacher parent conference

In a previous post, I identified ten ways that educators could establish effective communication with parents. Communication however, is a two way street.  Parents also have a responsibility and an opportunity to establish a relationship with their child’s teacher. Here are seven ways for parents to create open communication while empowering your child to be…

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2 Success Rituals

Morning Success Rituals Can Change Your Life Do you have trouble getting yourself motivated to work on your business? Are physical problems sapping your energy? Do you feel like you work all the time but can’t get traction on attaining your goals? I recently had a client who was in an energy slump.  She had…

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What makes a great school counselor?

counselor with student

Characteristics of a Great Counselor I was recently at a luncheon talking with some elementary school principals about school counselors and an evaluation method they are required to complete yearly on school counselors.  The instrument was so complex that they had to attend special training  to learn to use it properly. The evaluation emphasized collecting data in order to  prove the impact…

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Will going back to school further your career?

Considering Going Back to School? Here’s a little quiz for you: Answer True or False to the following questions: It’s a good idea to go back to school to earn another degree or certification if you want to change careers and go into a new field. It’s a good idea to go back to school…

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I Appreciate You!

Appreciation, Recognition and Inspiration May 2014 was a significant month for me. I left a  twenty year school counseling career in order to launch my own business of publishing children’s picture books with an empowering message and coaching clients to maximize their potential and follow their passion.   As I retired from my school counseling career,…

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Top 3 Ways to Teach Generosity

caring hands

Teaching Kids to be Generous With the holiday season in full swing, it is a great time to teach children about generosity and gratitude. However, developing a servant heart and a spirit of giving is a trait that can be focused on all year long. By taking into consideration the development stage of a child…

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