Surprising research about praise

parent and teacher with child

How Do You Praise a Child? What a great job you did! You aced this test, you are so smart! The home run you hit saved the day!  You are the best hitter on the team! In this age of positivism, affirmations and intentions, what could possibly be wrong with praising a child?  Turns out…

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Got too much to do? Are your To Do Lists multiplying like rabbits? Feel like you are on a never-ending tread mill? What would it be like if you could regain focus and get back in the driver’s seat?          

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Teach girls bravery not perfection

girl with ice skates

  Girls Need to Learn to be Brave Reshma Saujani is a woman with a mission.  She is on a campaign to change the way that we socialize young girls. Her premise is this: girls are taught to be perfect, while boys are taught to be brave.   How does this happen?  In her effort…

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Are you ready for career change?

Making a Career Change In a previous post, I wrote about how to recognize when you are Ready to Make a Career Change, which raises the question… Should you ever say yes to a career change when you don’t feel you are ready?  This is a tough question and one that I often help clients…

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Are you a leader? One question to ask.

kids together

Leadership and You Lately I’ve been doing a lot of leadership training at schools and conferences.  What qualities do you think of  when you think of great leaders? Integrity? Grit? Determination? Passion? Purpose? While these are all qualities that we may aspire to, John Quincy Adams penned a powerful leadership quote that can encompass all these…

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