The power of ‘not yet’ in changing behavior

student with a smiley face note

“Not Yet” and Changing Behavior As I visit schools and provide training in DISC personality style to staff and parents, I’m often asked, “Can you change your basic personality style or is it just hard-wired in?”  The exciting news in all areas of human development is that we can change and grow in many ways.…

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3 Ways to Bond your Team During a Crisis

 Bond Your Team During a Crisis Are you leading a team, a business group or staff of an organization during these unusual and troubled times? Maybe you work for an organization and have a group that you are in charge of. Or perhaps you are in direct sales and have a team that you lead.…

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Is it the right time to make a career change?

woman unsure

The Right Time to Make a Career Change? Are you thinking about making a career change? Do you wonder if now is the time? I’ve written before about creating an exit plan and turning your day job in to a dream job. Maybe right now your job or career has come to a screeching halt…

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Are you waiting to be who you were before Covid-19?

What if you stop waiting to be who you were? Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time talking with individual clients, educators and businesses about what to do while we wait. As time moves slowly through the Covid-19 crisis there has certainly been a range of emotions on everyone’s part. For some it is a…

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Developing self-esteem in kids


Kids and Self Esteem Back in my early counseling days we called it developing self-esteem in children. While developing self-esteem is certainly important, turns out we might have gone about it the wrong way. We told kids that they were special… everyone is.  We told them they were smart–geniuses really and so talented.  We told…

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