7 Steps to Creative Thinking in Kids


Kids and Creative Thinking In a world dominated by technology, creative thinking is at a premium. While we can find the answer to most any question just by googling it, one thing that computers can’t do is create new ideas, problem solve or design projects that are outside of the box.  It takes the creative…

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Kids and risk-taking

boy hands in air

Kids and Risk Taking Babies and toddlers naturally take risks. Watch any toddler navigate through a room and every step is an invitation to connect with the ground. They wobble. They stumble. They totter, while the adults excitedly cheer them on.  We instinctively know that they have to make mistakes and learn how to get…

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Core Values and YOU


Choose Your Core Values  Have you ever thought about what your personal core values are? What about core values for your classroom? or for your family? Would it make a difference if you knew your core values and practiced them? In a previous post, I wrote about the  one question you can ask to encourage leadership skills in…

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What if you were Curious?

Are You Curious? The first post that I wrote when I started this blog was Top Ten Ways to Not to Follow Your Passion.  It was written a bit tongue in cheek of course because we all want to follow our passion, right?  Isn’t it just the obstacles, real or imagined that keep us from…

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4 ways to teach your best lessons

How to Teach Lessons that Inspire Students It’s a challenging time for educators as schools close due to the Covid-19 and everyone takes to teaching virtual lessons. I hear from teachers who are exhausted and overwhelmed. The fact that schools may not even open again in the fall has everyone anxious. What if you re-frame…

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Celebrate Your Child’s Unique Voice


What is Your Child’s Unique Voice? What does it mean to be authentic or real? Is being authentic something to be achieved or a continual practice? Can you be who you really are and still show compassion to others who are different? How do we teach children to recognize and  be their authentic selves? Teaching children…

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