what is your leadership style?

woman and leadership

Leadership Style “I’m not really a people person,”  a leader at one of my DISC training sessions told me. A coworker was surprised.   Many of us have the expectation that anyone in a leadership role must be a D personality style (dominant, decisive, doer, determined) or an I personality style (inspiring, influential, interactive).  In…

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Time for a career change?

Time for a career change? How do you know if it’s the right time for a career change? Here’s a little True or False quiz: It’s time to make a change, if you dread Monday mornings… and the feeling starts Sunday morning or Saturday morning or Friday…you get the idea. It’s time to make a change, if…

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3 best sales practices

Best Sales Practices for Success Are you thinking outside the box when it comes to  sales in your business? Should you be? Or is it more important to make sure you are thinking inside the right box? A recent post was about the top 3 sales mistakes that I see clients make. In this post,…

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The comparison trap and kids


Kids and the comparison trap Is there a student in your life that is a people pleaser? Are they always looking for  approval and recognition? Do they worry too much about fitting in? Do they complain that they have no friends? Do they have trouble taking initiative, even in situations where they have experience and…

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