What is your Covid Bonus?

man with gift

Covid Bonus I bet if I asked you what challenges Covid has created in your life, you could list a dozen or so right away. We are wired to recognize and focus on the negative. Focusing on the negative was originally a survival tool, because it was important to anticipate the dangers in the world…

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How do you get kids engaged?


Encouraging kids to be engaged in learning You’ve got one kid in your class who is knocking it out of the park… they are on top of their assignments they are engaged they ask questions and are genuinely interested in learning You’ve got another who is failing… they are always behind the eight ball they are…

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4 reasons you might need a coach

4 sticky notes on whiteboard

Reasons you need a coach I hear a lot of excuses for not hiring a coach.  Here are four that I heard just this week: My business isn’t making enough money to justify hiring a coach.  I’ll look into it when I am making more money. My life is out of control and I need someone…

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how to create a business while working the J O B

woman on computer

Creating Your Own Business As a career and business coach, I often work with clients who are creating a business on the side while working a full-time job.  The goal of course, is to eventually leave the J O B and work full time in their own business.  Currently, because of Covid-19 and it’s affect…

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3 Tips for Transitioning to Your Dream Job

Dream Job Ready to make a change in your life? Want to create an exit plan from your job? Do you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore? I was talking with a client about transitioning from her 30 year career in the education system to the next phase of…

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