5 things leaders do differently


5 Things Great Leaders Do Differently Great leaders don’t just lead others well. They begin by leading themselves well and then go on to teach and inspire others to do the same. Whether you are a solopreneur or  a team leader, the success of your business depends on leading yourself well first. You are a…

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Helping kids cope with loss and grief

girl crying

How to help kids cope with grief Loss and grief are always difficult emotions for everyone, adults and children alike.  As school counselors, we are in an especially challenging position since we are expected to be a resource to others while we can be equally affected and emotional about the situation. When faced with the…

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Striving for Perfect? In January of 2017, I adopted a dog.  I hadn’t exactly planned to do it.  However, I hadn’t planned not to either. I offered to foster a dog during a snowy weekend when the local shelter was trying to get most of the dogs out into foster homes for a short time.…

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Should you stop teaching rules?

Should you stop teaching rules? Are you a parent who feels like you are constantly correcting your child? Are you a teacher who feels like you are constantly correcting your students? Do you feel that you are redirecting and repeating behavior rules all the time? Guess what? You probably are.  In fact, research shows that…

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Use brain science to change behavior

two girls and ideas

Teach Lessons that Change Behavior Back in the day when I was teaching lessons to children regularly as a school counselor, I was always trying to determine the best way to engage children in the lesson as well as make sure that they could actually learn and remember it later.  Lucky for educators and parents…

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four steps to cope with failure

How to help kids cope with failure I’ve written a lot of posts on how to handle failure.  There are several of reasons for this.   As a kid, I don’t know that anyone ever helped me understand the role that failure plays in growing, improving and becoming your best self. I just figured out…

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