Two Tips to Double Your Productivity

productive woman on phone

Eliminate Two Things to Be More Productive What if you could make two simple changes in your life and double your productivity?   What if it not only increased your productivity but it also freed you from unnecessary stress and frustration?  It’s a no brainer… right?  Here are two changes I’ve been making that have improved…

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four steps to cope with failure

How to help kids cope with failure I’ve written a lot of posts on how to handle failure.  There are several reasons for this.  As a kid, I don’t know that anyone ever helped me understand the role that failure plays in growing, improving and becoming your best self. I just figured out on my…

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Feeling Scared? Good!

Is Your Passion Greater than Your Fear? One of the most common emotions that I work with clients on is fear.  Fear can be paralyzing.  Fear can hold you back from realizing your dreams and accomplishing your goals.   Fear can be a good thing. Whaaaaat? What if it is possible that fear can influence us,…

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Brain Research and the Benefits of Play

Happy children playing tug of war in the park.

Play and the Brain As chilly winter days transition into balmy spring time, children and adults both anticipate spending more time outdoors.  Unfortunately, the school environment doesn’t always cooperate with the onset of spring fever as students prepare for and take mandated tests or complete end of year projects.  Test anxiety and teacher stress is…

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Simple Steps to a Productive Day

Wonder how to have a productive day? Do you react to events as they unfold? Are you always putting out fires or responding to emergencies? Or do you plan, schedule and organize your priorities? Are you living an intentional life? For many years, I lived my life by being reactive instead of creative.  I started…

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Kids who develop resilience

Child's drawings and coloured chalk

The Story Behind Kid President In 2013, Kid President took the world by storm. Over a million views on just his first video. Why?  What made him so engaging? Well, he was funny, energetic, loved to dance AND had a good message. He encouragds teachers to look for the awesome in students and he encouraged students…

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