Got a question?

Here’s how to ask it to maximize your results In a previous post, I revealed the secret to getting what you want in life… Spoiler alert: simply ask for it. If asking for what you want is so easy, why don’t more people do it? How hard can it be to ask a question? Turns…

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Handle parent-teacher crucial conversations effectively

crucial conversation

Four tips for crucial conversations with parents In my years as a school counselor, I coordinated and lead a lot of parent-teacher conferences.  Lucky for me, I worked in a school with an amazing, dedicated team of teachers who came to those conferences prepared and eager to serve. It’s an important mindset to cultivate. However,…

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Three surprising things NOT to say to kids

Happy mother talking to her son at home

Don’t worry, we’ve all said them… There are a lot of common phrases that we as parents and educators rattle off to kids without thinking much about the meaning that could be interpreted behind it. Some of them are things that we’ve even been told we should say.  Here are three things I bet you’ve said…

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Are you procrastinating?

Can’t seem to find the motivation you need? You know what you need to do but… You’ve promised yourself that today will be different, but well… you held yourself back again. You are beginning to wonder if you should just trash the idea altogether.  After all you are stressing yourself out over not doing it…

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Kids and decision making

creative ideas

Kids and decision making In a recent post, Tim Elmore discusses the consequences of removing risk taking from children’s lives. In older times, kids spent their summers and their free time roaming the neighborhood, playing, creating their own games and developing their own network of friends. Parents relayed the rules. Kids knew their boundaries and…

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Learning from goal setting

girl with glasses thinking

Learning from Goal Setting In an earlier post this year, I suggested that students set an intention for the year and review that intention midway through the school year and again at the end of the school year.  As the school year comes to a close, it is a good time to determine the success of that…

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