Your Story Matters in Your Business

Why tell your story? Every business owner has a story.  Some are so well known that the business is the story.   Think Pencils of Promise or Tom’s Shoes. As a leader in your business, your story inspires others. It identifies the core values of your brand.  It makes your product or service memorable.  It…

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Do kids really need recess?

kids on playground

Recess = Key Part of Learning In today’s fast-paced, test-results and data focused school world, one of the first things to go is recess. At least 40% of schools have eliminated it altogether. Not only has recess been eliminated but students are spending more time sitting… and sitting… and sitting, all the while expected to…

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The Secret to Success

The Secret Sauce for Success Why do some people achieve their goals while others, weeks, months, even years later, are still wishing and hoping for success? When I think about what separates successful entrepreneurs and clients from those who are unsuccessful it is usually one thing. But-it’s probably not what you think… It’s not experience. It’s…

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Kids who feel overwhelmed

stressed kid

Kids Who Feel Overwhelmed It’s not just adults who feel overwhelmed today. Kids it seems have more pressures and challenges than ever. Not to mention that we all live in a pessimistic, if something bad can happen then it probably will world. What can we as adults do to help kids ( and ourselves while…

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Kids accepting limitations

pencils life quote

Accepting limitations Every one has some sort of limitation in life.  For some this may be an actual physical disability, for others it is more subtle.  Some children have difficulty with math, or reading or social skills.  It is a rare child who excels in every area. Often as adults in children’s lives we either try…

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One simple step toward building confidence

Need more confidence? Maybe you’ve said: I believe I have the ability… but I just don’t have the confidence I need to make the change. I’ve accomplished a lot but if I were more confident, I could really make a difference. Don’t worry, I totally get it.  I’ve struggled with feeling confident my whole life. …

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