Five Tips to Tap Into Your Creative Spirit

We All Are Creative Every creative is challenged with how to best structure their life to engage in creative pursuits. Just how do you get the work done? How do you tap into that creative spirit? Do you require yourself to spend a designated amount of time every day working on your craft, no matter…

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Is being fair a bad idea?

Two fathers play educational games with their children,

What if being fair means everyone misses out? When was the last time you heard, “It’s not fair!” Do you struggle to be fair to the students in your classroom? Do you worry that you don’t give equal attention or time to your kids? What if being fair actually means that everyone misses out? The…

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Does your workplace bring out the best?

working from home

Here’s the workplace fix According to US and global Gallup polls about 89% of workers don’t feel that they can be their best at work and 70 % are not engaged at work.  What this means is that an overwhelming majority of the workforce is not involved in or committed to their work while about…

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3 Ways to Develop a Grateful Mindset


Teaching Kids to be Grateful for Hardship This is a hard topic for adults so I know that teaching kids to be grateful for challenges and hardships in their own lives is difficult. However, in the current climate of Covid, economic downturns, schools in crisis, divisiveness among so many different groups, not to mention the…

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Employee behavior hacks that work

Why a Crucial Conversation is the Answer If you are a leader and have the responsibility of coordinating a team or a department or even a group of volunteers, I bet you have someone in the group who is a challenge… maybe they show up late and leave early-repeatedly maybe they are bossy and no…

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Helping children develop a servant heart

family mission statement

Gratitude and Generosity are Key With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s a great time to teach children the importance of gratitude and being thankful.  Children of all ages can be encouraged to develop a servant heart and a spirit of generosity through learning to serve others. Schools Develop a Spirit of Service…

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