3 Ways to Teach Critical Thinking Skills

two girls and ideas

And Why It Matters Very young children often ask a million questions, so many that as adults we can become worn out with answering them. However as children get older, they often stop asking so many questions. Maybe they’ve been stifled. Maybe we’ve said figure it out for yourself too often. Maybe they are much…

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Are You Procrastinating?

How to overcome the procrastination monster What are you avoiding doing…right now? Getting some work done? Connecting with someone that you need to talk to? Spending some time in renewal:  exercise, meditation, prayer? Procrastination takes many forms. Sometimes in the past, if I wasn’t clear on exactly what the perfect next step was, I’d get…

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Doubtbusters: Changing Your Mindset

How to change how you feel about yourself I’m not good enough… If they really knew me… Everyone else does it better… I’m not worthy… We all have it.  The fear of being seen.  Not a fear of being seen in our latest contrived photo-shopped selfie on Facebook.  Not a fear of being seen in…

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Anger: Let It Go or Problem Solve?

angry girls

In a previous post, I discussed anger and how it interacts with the brain.  If kids are not tuned in to anger, its cause, and their choices, then anger can come out sideways. This is what happens when kids “flip their lid” or allow the reptilian brain to take charge over the more modern brain.…

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One Question to Ask When You Are Unsure What to Do

One Question to Ask Yourself We all have moments in our lives, in our careers and in our relationships when we are faced with tough decisions. We may be wondering if we should change a major direction in our own life. We may have a client that needs exceptional counsel or advice. We may wonder…

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Planning Counts: Ending the School Year Strong

counselor lesson plans

Planning Counts One thing that I enjoyed about working in a school was that the year and the job had a definite beginning and end. There was always the excited anticipation at the beginning of the year and of course a different kind of excitement as the year came to a close and students moved…

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