Energizing and Effective Online Meetings

Energizing and Effective Online Meetings

In recent days, have you been attending more online conferences than you have in your whole life?

Do they get you fired up and energized? Or are you worn out with the whole experience?

Do you leave a conference or webinar and wonder what was the point?

Stephen Covey in his Seven Habits of Highly Successful People identifies the key habit of Sharpen the Saw.  This means to  always be learning and growing. A key characteristic of high achievers is that they recognize the value of investing in themselves in order to create the life they want and achieve their goals.  

Come to online meetings actively prepared to learn. This is true whether you are presenting or listening or a combination of both. Plan ahead, come ready to be actively involved and set an intention for the meeting. Think about what information you want to walk away with or share with others.

Here are some tips I use to maximize my conference experience:

  1. Review the schedule and plan your time.  Log in early in case you experience technical difficulties.
  2. For any given topic, have a list of questions you would like to have answered.  Ask them.
  3. Minimize distractions. Turn off or silence your phone and other devices. Let others in your home know that you will be working and should not be disturbed for the next period of time. 
  4. If you are sharing a website, an upcoming class or some other information, come prepared so that you don’t have to find the link or look up facts. Have it handy and easy to copy and share in the chat.
  5. If it is a networking meeting–know your elevator speech. Write it out and practice it. Don’t plan on winging it! 
  6. Make a note of the other people in the meeting and send them an email or message within 24 hours commenting on something about their business. Make connections as you would in an in person conference.
  7. Always have a call to action and share it. Share a product, an upcoming class or a way for people to access a free resource. Invite participants to be engaged with you.
  8. Identify the new people you meet that you want to stay in touch with and reach out quickly via one of the social media platforms.
  9. Take the time to thank the speakers for the insights they have shared. Send a card via snail mail to make a real impression.
  10. Pay attention to your body language. Use your hands when you talk, it will give you more energy. Sit up straight and look at the other people in the meeting… not at your own video. If possible, stand up! It denotes authority, so elevate your computer on a stand up desk and engage your full body to energize your message. 

Online meetings and conferences have been an effective way of connecting and engaging with others during the pandemic. Don’t expect them to go away as things open up. I believe they will prove to be an ongoing part of business as usual. Learn how to make them work for you.  

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  1. […] Next time you present a training or make a sales presentation, make sure you spend time on your presence as well as the content of the message.  You will not only notice a significant improvement in the response, you will enter the event with an entirely new mindset as well. […]

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