The secret to presenting well

The secret to presenting well For the past few years, I’ve done a lot of training at schools, businesses and conferences.  When I first started, I spent hours, days, weeks getting ready for the event.  I researched.  I practiced. I researched some more.  I rewrote the material.  I practiced…  You get the idea.   Sometimes…

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3 Steps to a Memorable Presentation

memorable presentation

Creating a Memorable Presentation Do you have a presentation or a workshop in your future? Are you agonizing over what to present and how to package it in the most meaningful way? Are you wondering how to connect with your audience so they will remember what you shared? Attending a conference is a great way to…

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Five Ways to Create a Five Star Presentation

Even if you hate public speaking Does the thought of public speaking set off waves of anxiety? When you are asked to share information about your business or your ideas, does you mind go blank and your hands start to shake? Are you avoiding speaking dates even though you know it is the best way…

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