Are you feeling grateful?


Are You Feeling Grateful? Do you wonder how anyone could feel grateful in times like these? Developing an attitude of gratitude is something that can be started early in small ways and then developed into a daily perspective that is an effortless habit. Gratitude involves learning to first, be aware and secondly, to frame the…

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6 steps to happiness

happy woman

Six Steps to Happiness There are plenty of reasons to be unhappy… Covid- 19-duh! You hate your job but don’t see any better options. You lost your job because of Covid-19 You are sick and the treatment isn’t working. You are having problems in your relationship; with your partner, with your kids, with friends.  Seriously, I…

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Are you a boss or a leader?

Are you a boss or a leader? Lots of the clients that I work with supervise others.   Principals guide their schools. Teachers manage their students.  Managers direct workers.   Owners of businesses supervise their employees. Here’s an important question for anyone in any of these roles:  Are you a boss or a leader? A boss…

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exhausted woman

Feeling Overwhelmed? I have a new baby, a business and a special needs 12 year old… I’m overwhelmed. My business is really taking off.  I have more work than I can do and I can’t find good help.  I’m so afraid I can’t do it all and will let people down! My biggest challenge is…

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Striving for Perfect? In January of 2017, I adopted a dog.  I hadn’t exactly planned to do it.  However, I hadn’t planned not to either. I offered to foster a dog during a snowy weekend when the local shelter was trying to get most of the dogs out into foster homes for a short time.…

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Been doing it too long to change now?

Change and Growing Your Business Have you ever said,  “I’ve been doing it this way too long to change”? A couple of years ago I decided to learn to play pickle ball.  I attended my first lesson at a pickle ball free play court where a pickle ball instructor showed me the basics and encouraged…

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