Five Top Sales Strategies for Introverts

Introverts can be Great at sales Do you have an idea for a business or a product but think that you don’t have the self-confidence to sell it? Have you put the time and effort into creating a product… but hate asking people to buy it? Do you describe yourself as an introvert who gets shaky…

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Goal setting, personality style and you

goal setting

How to make your personality style work in your favor Do you set goals then fight against them? Do you find that you work hard to meet other’s expectations but fail to live up to your own? Maybe you question whether setting goals is even useful or necessary at all… In her fascinating book, Better…

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Two Tips to Double Your Productivity

productive woman on phone

Eliminate Two Things to Be More Productive What if you could make two simple changes in your life and double your productivity?   What if it not only increased your productivity but it also freed you from unnecessary stress and frustration?  It’s a no brainer… right?  Here are two changes I’ve been making that have improved…

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Simple Steps to a Productive Day

Wonder how to have a productive day? Do you react to events as they unfold? Are you always putting out fires or responding to emergencies? Or do you plan, schedule and organize your priorities? Are you living an intentional life? For many years, I lived my life by being reactive instead of creative.  I started…

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Are you sabotaging your goals?

Mindset Matters Do you have a dream or a goal and then struggle to make it happen? Do you blame it on resistance? Frustration? Uncertainty? Lack of willpower? Maybe you want to lose weight but every time you start making progress you reward yourself with…  chocolate cake? Maybe you have a dream of developing your…

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How to survive difficulty

How to Survive Difficulty  There was a point in time about eight years ago when my family relationships felt as though they had fallen apart. It was one of the most depressing and low points in my life. Both my children had not only moved out but were also very involved in creating new lives…

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