Connection with Kids

Two fathers play educational games with their children,

Connection with Kids In her book, The Good News about Bad Behavior, the author, Kathryn Lewis, identifies three steps that are taught in the Parent Encouragement Program. It will come as no surprise to counselors of all types that the first step is connection. Establishing rapport with a student is always the first necessary step…

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The Secret to Successful Parent Conferences

parent with child

How to engage parents through crucial conversations Recently I presented a training on parent engagement and crucial conversations for the staff at a local school.  You might wonder why a school would be interested.  It was a school that already delivers a great academic program with lots of dedicated teachers.  The involvement of parents is…

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5 Ways to help children develop GRIT

kids on playground

5 Ways to Help Children Develop GRIT Prepare the child for the path; not the path for the child.  (author unknown) Over fifty years ago, Emmy Werner, a psychologist did a groundbreaking four decade study of hundreds of children living on the Hawaiian island, Kauai. One third of the kids were born into poverty or…

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Is being fair a bad idea?

Two fathers play educational games with their children,

What if being fair means everyone misses out? When was the last time you heard, “It’s not fair!” Do you struggle to be fair to the students in your classroom? Do you worry that you don’t give equal attention or time to your kids? What if being fair actually means that everyone misses out? The…

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Helping children develop a servant heart

family mission statement

Gratitude and Generosity are Key With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s a great time to teach children the importance of gratitude and being thankful.  Children of all ages can be encouraged to develop a servant heart and a spirit of generosity through learning to serve others. Schools Develop a Spirit of Service…

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