Using Visualization


Visualization and Positive Storytelling Many students have a goal of being an athlete when they grow up and most athletes today use visualization to some extent to improve performance. As educators we can use this interest to help them develop good habits that will serve them well both in sports and academics. Some questions you…

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Personality Style and Motivation


Wondering how to motivate different personalities? It’s a new school year and you have spent hours setting up your classroom, attending meetings on the latest and  greatest technology and getting your lesson plans in order. You are ready for the kiddos to arrive with parents in tow so you can orient everyone to your system…

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Does failure lead to success?

choose failure or success

Are failure and success related? He won’t do any work in class. She never turns in homework. She is capable, but doesn’t work up to her potential… If you have been  an educator for any length of time, you’ve had a child like this in your classroom. You’ve tried every strategy that you can think…

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Six Strategies for a Great School Year

kids in the school, classroom

How to have a great school year It’s the beginning of the school year here in Georgia.  Teachers, parents and students alike are abuzz with anticipation and excitement.  Educators have been hard at work for days; setting up classrooms, planning lessons and getting everything ready for that big first day that sets the tone for…

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Suffer from mid-year burnout no more…

teacher burnout

Get Fired Up and Finish Strong The school year is more than half over and much of the excitement and anticipation of a new class is long gone. How can you keep the energy and enthusiasm going for the next few months? How can you maintain a positive focus in the midst of the negative…

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The Greatest Gift a Teacher can Give

Pupils In Class Using Digital Tablet With Teacher

The Power of Mindset What is the power of expectation and mindset?  It is not only huge but it trumps ability every time.  In an education world that has become increasing obsessed with data, testing and assessment, what role does a teacher’s positive expectations play in a student’s performance?  Apparently it  is the greatest gift a teacher…

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