Feeling Scared? Good!

Is Your Passion Greater than Your Fear? One of the most common emotions that I work with clients on is fear.  Fear can be paralyzing.  Fear can hold you back from realizing your dreams and accomplishing your goals.   Fear can be a good thing. Whaaaaat? What if it is possible that fear can influence us,…

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Helping children overcome fear

Excited little asian boy

Three things we can teach kids about fear The child in my office was in tears.  Here was her story:  She was selected to give the pledge to the flag on the morning news station at school. This is a great honor and she was excited until the morning of the show, when  she suddenly…

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Time for a career change?

Time for a career change? How do you know if it’s the right time for a career change? Here’s a little True or False quiz: It’s time to make a change, if you dread Monday mornings… and the feeling starts Sunday morning or Saturday morning or Friday…you get the idea. It’s time to make a change, if…

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What to do while you wait

Waiting for the World to Get Back to Normal? Thanks to COVID-19 many of us are now stuck at home, worried and nervous about the future. At first, there is perhaps a sense of relief about not stressing over screening each new customer or making a decision about how best to stay germ free in…

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