Kids and decision making

creative ideas

Kids and decision making In a recent post, Tim Elmore discusses the consequences of removing risk taking from children’s lives. In older times, kids spent their summers and their free time roaming the neighborhood, playing, creating their own games and developing their own network of friends. Parents relayed the rules. Kids knew their boundaries and…

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Do you need some help?

Do you need some help? It’s one of the hardest things that we do For some of us, it is seen as a sign of weakness We try to avoid it at all costs We keep up a façade of competence just so we don’t have to do it… Even when we recognize it as…

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Need some Encouragement? When you feel overwhelmed, overworked and over-it, who do you turn to? When you feel you have failed yet again, who do you turn to? When you think your dreams will never materialize, who do you turn to? Is there an extreme encourager in your life? Extreme encouragers offer empathy and experience…

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Decision Making in Seven Steps

Decision Making 101 Are you in the middle of making an important decision? Maybe it was brought on by the pandemic and now you need to decide: Whether to add a new product or change an old one Whether to go in a new direction Whether to close a business or open a new one…

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Time for a new career?

Ready to Make a Career Change? Are you ready to make a change in your career? Maybe Covid-19 has dramatically changed your business and it is no longer viable-you need a change and fast. Maybe you have a dream career or business that you’ve been wanting to explore and now is the perfect storm to…

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Time for a career change?

Time for a career change? How do you know if it’s the right time for a career change? Here’s a little True or False quiz: It’s time to make a change, if you dread Monday mornings… and the feeling starts Sunday morning or Saturday morning or Friday…you get the idea. It’s time to make a change, if…

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