Finding clients
Worn out with attracting clients? My first attempt at starting my own business was writing and selling children’s picture books for school counselors. I started it about nine years ago when I had not a clue about how to write a book or publish it, never mind how to promote or sell it. As it…
Who do you think you are?
Your Mindset and How to Make it Work in Your Favor Who do you think you are to dream about starting a business? What makes you think you have a skill or talent that other people would want to invest in? Who made you an expert? Think you have something unique to offer? Think again……
4 Steps to Better Communication
Using Communication to Change Misbehavior In my last post, I wrote about connection, the first of the three steps taught in the Parent Encouragement Program by author, Kathryn Reynolds Lewis. The second step outlined in her book, The Good News about Bad Behavior is communication. It is important to note that communication follows connection. How often…
3 Big Fears and Playing Small
Three Big Fears can cause you to play small I met Marci at a writer’s group. She retired from her career as an educator and had spent the last year or more following a dream that she had nurtured her whole life; writing a novel. The manuscript was complete and she was looking for someone to publish…
Is Failure a Necessary Part of Success?
The Secret to Success: Massive Failure Success is a word that is discussed and thrown around a lot. Failure? Not so much. Teachers focus on making sure students are successful. Businesses set and work to achieve goals in order to be successful. Everyone wants to be successful in their career, family life, social life and even…
What every child wants…
Misbehavior and belonging Studies indicate that children today are harder to teach and more difficult to discipline than in previous years. Diagnoses of ADHD, anxiety and depression are skyrocketing. What is a parent or educator to do? How can we cope? Before identifying some approaches to the problem, Katherine Reynolds Lewis, the author of the…
There’s no Age Limit to Dreaming
Remember the why behind your dream Achieving dreams knows no age limitations. In fact, sometimes it is in our later years that we really hit our stride and begin accomplishing our heart felt goals. Meet Rae Mohrmann- Marathon runner. Set a goal of running a marathon in all fifty states, when she was 52 years…
Parenting and the Word NO
The importance of learning the word: no One of the most important words, we as parents can learn to say is “no”. I realize that I’m starting this post off on a rather negative note, and it’s certainly not my style, but it’s a hard lesson to learn and I was reminded of it just…
What People Say About The Wyatt Books
kind words from educators, parents, and kids!
"Going to kindergarten is a milestone for everyone and the beginning of the year is usually filled with excitement and angst. Wyatt the Wonder Dog addresses the typical concerns that most children have in a sweet and relatable way. Kindergarten really is fun!"
"Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Teamwork is another great example of helping kids improve their social skills. It teaches kids the power of working together and how much better we are when we work as a community"
"[Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Mindset] This book is funny! It's dogs doing things that only people do! I learned to try new things."
Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Giving is a delightful book that teaches kids (and reminds adults, as well) that generosity is possible no matter how old, young, rich or poor we are. This is a powerful message and an engaging story that every child will love.
~Jen McDonough, author of Living Beyond Rich
Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Friendship teaches not only friendship and making connections, but also how to become successful at problem solving. Great for school counselors, teachers and families. Bravo!
Sharissa Shatten~ School Counselor
Feeling left out? Need help getting along with friends? Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Cooperation weaves important life skills into engaging story telling. Join Wyatt as he learns how to be the superhero in his group of friends by using cooperation and compromise.
~MaryFrances Gonzalez MACCCSLP
Have you ever had a friend that did some things that you disagreed with? Wyatt does and he doesn't know what to do about it. Join Wyatt as he learns that being honest with his friend is the best and only way to solve the problem. A great story!
~Lynn Hughes M.Ed. school counselor
If you've ever lost your lunch money or misplaced your favorite toy, you can relate to Wyatt the Wonder Dog. This adorable story offers simple, helpful ideas that kids and parents can use to make life less stressful and more fun!
~Erin K. Casey, author
The Secret Sauce for a Happy Child
Positive and Negative Feedback Do you wonder what the key is to having happy children? Maybe you even wonder about the key to finding happiness in your own life? Turns out we don’t find happiness… it’s not even related to our circumstances. Surprised? The Research on the Happiness Advantage In Shawn Achor’s book, The Happiness Advantage, he…