Where to find your clients
Finding Your Ideal Clients Now that you know who your clients are, the next question is: where can you find them? Knowing who they are should give you direction. If your clients work a 9-5 job, where can you find them after hours? Are they at the gym? On the golf course? Are they working…
Is it time for a vacation?
Vacation Time? What do you do to relax, renew and rewind from your business? When was your last vacation? When did you last take time to play? Here’s a little pop quiz for you: The reason that I started my own business was that I wanted to: a. Do things my way and not have…
Teaching kids to manage negative feelings
Kids and Self Talk A typical classroom lesson on recognizing feelings is useful and gives kids a common language for expressing their feelings. However, it is a basic lesson and doesn’t really cover all the bases in helping kids manage feelings, especially negative ones. What can we teach the child who needs anger management strategies or…
Wonder where your clients are?
Connecting with your Ideal Clients In my line of work as a business coach, I talk with a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who aren’t making the sales that they expected. Heck they aren’t even making enough sales to justify their business as a business rather than a hobby. Many are confused and discouraged. They have…
Personality Style and Sales
How personality impacts sales Business is about sales and sales is about relationships. While you may think that your business is about your unique product or your quality service it is ultimately about the relationships that you create and nurture around your product or service. Whenever people are involved there is the possibility of either…
Teaching kids about feelings
Body Language and Feelings A standard lesson that I taught every year as an elementary school counselor was recognizing feelings. It was a fun lesson. I’d bring in large cut outs of children showing mad, sad, happy or scared feelings and ask kids to guess how the child was feeling. We’d talk about body language and how…
Now is the time
Stop the Waiting Game and Take Action In September 2001, my husband passed away suddenly of an aortic dissection. He was 51 years old. Our children were 17 and 20. As you might imagine in the midst of the tragedy and grief, there were a lot of what ifs. There always are when there is…
helping kids handle disappointment
Developing Skills to Handle Disappointment We all face disappointment, children and adults alike. Whether it’s missing the winning shot or rain that ruins a picnic at the park, life is full of big and little disappointments. As parents and teachers we would like to spare kids from these letdowns. However, we can do children a greater service…
Five ways to set goals that work
The secret to successful goals It’s that time of year again when lots of people are talking about making resolutions, setting an intention and creating goals for the new year. Wonder what most people want to change? Tied for the top three spots at 37% are: eat healthier, exercise and save more money. Interestingly 32%…
What People Say About The Wyatt Books
kind words from educators, parents, and kids!
"Going to kindergarten is a milestone for everyone and the beginning of the year is usually filled with excitement and angst. Wyatt the Wonder Dog addresses the typical concerns that most children have in a sweet and relatable way. Kindergarten really is fun!"
"Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Teamwork is another great example of helping kids improve their social skills. It teaches kids the power of working together and how much better we are when we work as a community"
"[Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Mindset] This book is funny! It's dogs doing things that only people do! I learned to try new things."
Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Giving is a delightful book that teaches kids (and reminds adults, as well) that generosity is possible no matter how old, young, rich or poor we are. This is a powerful message and an engaging story that every child will love.
~Jen McDonough, author of Living Beyond Rich
Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Friendship teaches not only friendship and making connections, but also how to become successful at problem solving. Great for school counselors, teachers and families. Bravo!
Sharissa Shatten~ School Counselor
Feeling left out? Need help getting along with friends? Wyatt the Wonder Dog Learns about Cooperation weaves important life skills into engaging story telling. Join Wyatt as he learns how to be the superhero in his group of friends by using cooperation and compromise.
~MaryFrances Gonzalez MACCCSLP
Have you ever had a friend that did some things that you disagreed with? Wyatt does and he doesn't know what to do about it. Join Wyatt as he learns that being honest with his friend is the best and only way to solve the problem. A great story!
~Lynn Hughes M.Ed. school counselor
If you've ever lost your lunch money or misplaced your favorite toy, you can relate to Wyatt the Wonder Dog. This adorable story offers simple, helpful ideas that kids and parents can use to make life less stressful and more fun!
~Erin K. Casey, author