Helping Kids Set Goals that Motivate

goal setting

Helping kids learn to set goals can be a skill that serves them well in every area of life. However, it can also be a frustrating and discouraging experience for them! Even adults have great difficulty setting and following through on goals. How can you help kids not only set goals but develop the patience…

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The Power of the Positive

caring hands

Setting the Tone with a Positive Culture How often do you begin the day, the conversation, the class, the lesson… with something positive? Could it make a difference in learning, attitude and interactions?  When we come from a genuine and positive place, we are more likely to get a positive response. Not to mention that…

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Separation Anxiety at School: Nine Ways to Overcome It

parent with child

At some point every school counselor deals with a child who doesn’t want to come to school. Every child and every situation is different so you have to tailor the solution to the particular student and their parents. Begin by collaborating with the parents, the child and the teacher. This is key. If you are…

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Is It Possible to Create a Zen Like Calm at Work?


The Secret: Taking Charge of Your Feelings Research shows that two out of every three people are unhappy at work… Are you one of them? Did you know that there are a higher number of heart attacks on Sunday evening than any other day of the week?  Bet you can guess why… Whether your job…

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The Burnout Cure: Seven Tips


How to take back control in your life Are you overwhelmed? Overworked? Over-committed? All of the above?  So many school counselors would describe themselves as burned out not fired up. Days are characterized by TOO MUCH. There is too much to do at school. Kids are more needy than ever. Teachers are on their last…

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