Use Brain Science to Change Behavior

two girls and ideas

Teach Lessons that Change Behavior Back in the day when I was teaching lessons to children regularly as a school counselor, I was always trying to determine the best way to engage children in the lesson as well as make sure that they could actually learn and remember it later.  Lucky for educators and parents…

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Is being fair a bad idea?

Two fathers play educational games with their children,

What if being fair means everyone misses out? When was the last time you heard, “It’s not fair!” Do you struggle to be fair to the students in your classroom? Do you worry that you don’t give equal attention or time to your kids? What if being fair actually means that everyone misses out? The…

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Use brain science to change behavior

two girls and ideas

Teach Lessons that Change Behavior Back in the day when I was teaching lessons to children regularly as a school counselor, I was always trying to determine the best way to engage children in the lesson as well as make sure that they could actually learn and remember it later.  Lucky for educators and parents…

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