Anger: Let It Go or Problem Solve?

angry girls

In a previous post, I discussed anger and how it interacts with the brain.  If kids are not tuned in to anger, its cause, and their choices, then anger can come out sideways. This is what happens when kids “flip their lid” or allow the reptilian brain to take charge over the more modern brain.…

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Anxiety, 3 Things Not to Say or Do


Anxiety, 3 Things Not to Say or Do Before Covid-19, anxiety was on the rise, however, the pandemic has made for a significant increase. Currently, one in four children suffer from anxiety disorder. Of course, fear and worry have always been a normal part of childhood. It is a rare child that doesn’t at some…

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4 secret skills that kids need to succeed today

Group of boy and girls

How to learn from failure Remember a major disappointment or failure from you own childhood? Trying out for a team or a group and not making the cut? Not getting included in a party invitation or missing out on a special occasion? Losing  a friendship or a loved one? Bet you remember the details of…

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