Getting Kids to Take Initiative

Working together at elementary school.

Kids and Initiative I often hear teachers lament that the students today have little intrinsic motivation and initiative. Certainly as a school counselor, I  often presented lessons on being responsible. When asked what it means to be responsible, children usually have a good idea.  When asked what responsibilities they have, I would get a variety of…

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Why you can’t motivate kids…

girl exploring nature i

Why you can’t motivate kids… Do your school work! Where is  your homework! Clean up your desk! Follow directions without reminders. How many of your referrals are for kids who are too stubborn, won’t cooperate and don’t do their work? How much of your time as a counselor is spent trying to motivate students? What…

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Is It Possible to Motivate Kids?

goal setting

Kids and Motivation In today’s educational environment, we are more aware than ever that student motivation and engagement is essential for lasting learning. I can’t tell you how many times as a school counselor, I had discussions with teachers, parents and kids about being motivated. However, I’m afraid we rarely discussed how important intrinsic motivation…

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