Teaching kids to manage negative feelings


Kids and Self Talk A typical classroom lesson on recognizing feelings is useful and gives kids a common language for expressing their feelings.  However, it is a basic lesson and doesn’t really cover all the bases in helping kids manage feelings, especially negative ones.   What can we teach the child who needs anger management strategies or…

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Teaching kids about feelings

Happy girl

Body Language and Feelings A standard lesson that I taught every year as an elementary school counselor was recognizing feelings. It was a fun lesson. I’d bring in large cut outs of children showing mad, sad, happy or scared feelings and ask kids to guess how the child was feeling. We’d talk about body language and how…

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Helping Boys Develop an Emotional Vocabulary

unhappy boy

Helping Boys Develop an Emotional Vocabulary I’ve written a lot of posts on kids and emotions.  There are several reasons for this.   In many ways, emotions rule our thoughts and our actions, yet very little is taught about how to manage emotions in a positive way. Most of us simply learn that we need to…

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